I can’t believe we have made it into week sixteen of our home-schooling activities, those school holidays are getting closer! In the meantime we have another fun activity to keep those minds fresh and working!
This week we will be putting our newspaper reporters’ hats on and creating an article about something that interests us from history!
You can use different methods of research e.g. books or the internet to research your subject you have chosen and get as much information to write your article describing what happened!
Things to remember would be;
- Newspapers are written in columns (I will provide a template below)
- You will need a BIG headline to catch the eyes of your readers
- Don’t forget to use lots of interesting words and adjectives to describe the events!
- Newspaper articles should have a fair point of view so try and write without taking a side!
Some events you could research could be;
- The battle of Waterloo
- VE day
- VJ Day
- Henry VIII and his wives
As always, we would love to see what you come up with so please feel free to share your creations with us across our social channels. We look forward to seeing your work!
Don’t forget you can…
Drop us a comment either on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/FiringLineMuseum
Twitter account: @FiringLineMuseum
Or Instagram page: firinglinemuseum
Good luck,
From the Education Team @ The Firing Line Museum 😊
p.s. any education specific questions or help please feel free to email us on education@cardiffcastlemuseum.org.uk